A Message From the Director...
It is my pleasure to welcome you to East End Academy, or EEA. At EEA our doors open early and close late. That is because there are a number of programs housed under the same roof.
One such program housed at EEA is Jumpstart. Jumpstart is a program in which over-aged 8th grade students are given a rigorous 9th grade curriculum during the 2nd semester of their 8th grade year. Students have the opportunity to earn 5 units: English I, Algebra I, Biology, World History, IBA, and Physical Education. Successful completion of these five units means the students will go to high school the following school year as 10th graders!
Another program that is housed at EEA is Afternoon Credit Recovery. Each Monday and Wednesday afternoon, from 4:00-6:00, students from Greenwood High and Emerald High meet in one of our computer labs and use the computer program Compass Learning to attempt to make up credit that was initially missed.
The Refocus Academy is also housed at EEA. This program is a short term intervention in which students are assigned by the disciplinary hearing board, in lieu of expulsion, or by the Assistant Superintendent for Administration, with principal’s recommendation.
As you can see, there are many different programs at EEA to meet the varied needs of our students. Visit frequently, as there are more programs in development. We are constantly adjusting our programs to meet the ever-changing needs of our students.